Hi ,
Last month, EO Melbourne board members, moderators, and our Chapter professionals gathered in Fremantle for the 2024 EO APAC Regional Leadership Summit and Moderator Summit.
It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region and to elevate our knowledge.
One powerful concept that stuck with me during the summit was Shoshin (Japanese: 初心).
This Zen Buddhism concept, meaning "beginner’s mind," is about approaching life with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to see things as if for the first time.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know everything, but when we do, we close ourselves off to new ideas and opportunities.
Shoshin reminds us to stay curious and humble, keeping our minds open to learning something new, no matter how experienced we are.
Next week, as part of the Board’s investment in forums, we have a fantastic opportunity to practice Shoshin with two international forum trainers—Fletcher and Jody—who will be delivering Forum Next Level training in Melbourne.
It’s the perfect time to adopt a beginner’s mindset and take your Forum experience to the next level. Register last minute by visiting this link.