Welcome, EO family! I hope this Chapter Update finds you and your family well.
Throughout last year, we all had to shift our focus and adapt to the changes happening around us. Shifting gears, constantly making changes to our well-meaning to-do list, and not necessarily meeting our goals are no fault of our own. Yes, the pandemic has challenged us in many ways, so I encourage you all to embrace getting out of your comfort zone, as it will make you better leaders and entrepreneurs.
Likewise, our Board has had to keep on their toes and continue to pivot with re-scheduling events and new ideas. I am preparing this update directly after an awesome
strategy day with the Board coming up with a great plan to bring transformational growth to your upcoming year with EO.
I am pleased to announce that our membership renewal rate was the highest our chapter has ever had and the highest in the APAC region at 94%. We are tracking towards 150 members over the next few months and will be onboarding some awesome new members shortly. We plan to continue to run small intimate events whereby you can all continue to build life-changing connections with fellow EOers.
I was hoping that at this stage of our calendar we would have had our End-of-Financial-Year Gala Dinner whereby we would have thanked our outgoing President Sherryl and I would have introduced our theme for this year. Our events team is re-scheduling the gala dinner, so stay tuned as it will be an amazing event.
Without delaying any further, our theme for the year is Thriving Through Life-Long Learning; Taking our business and personal lives from merely surviving to thriving. You have joined a Chapter where, as individuals and as members, we are invested in one another’s growth and success. It is our goal that you experience business and personal growth through peer-to-peer learning, support and global connections and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The Board and I,
as President, are the custodians of the Chapter and we are focused on executing our theme for the year.
I look forward to seeing you all at a face-to-face event shortly.
Warmest regards,