

Dear ,


If you tuned into our End-of-Year Gala celebration a month ago, you would have heard me start my welcome speech with this bizarre word. In all honesty, I knew I had a tough job on my hands to grab your attention as the celebration was held virtually for the first time in EO Melbourne history. I hoped it worked.

The point I wanted to get across was that, yes, 2020 has been a challenging year for many of us. Every month that goes by feels as though we’ve graduated to the next level of Jumanji.

The usual problems that get thrown our way have morphed into something we never imagined we would ever have to deal with.

This is where the magic of EO presents itself. As a global community, we have the power at our fingertips to connect with another member and resources to figure out how to overcome them. We can also take some solace in knowing that we are not alone in this.

It’s been one hell of a rollercoaster, and as we are now in our second lockdown, what the future holds continues to be clear as mud. But in times of adversity, we all know that this is the time that we, as entrepreneurs, need to demonstrate resilience and rise to lead our teams forward.

We need to remind ourselves that our businesses were founded on hope. We all started with a seedling of an idea, and it was through our optimism, hard work, creativity and hope that it was able to grow into something bigger than ourselves.

On that note, I leave you with our theme for the year, Lead with Hope.

It is with great honour and privilege that I serve as President for EO Melbourne 2020/21. Standing alongside my fellow Board Members, I’m excited about the ideas that we’re working on to make the EO year ahead into a memorable one - for the right reasons! Our chapter is strong, the engagement (the only giant WhatsApp group I have unmuted) and solidarity are out of this world.

Reach out to any of us on the Board at any time, we’re here for you.

Warmest regards,
Sheryl Thai
President 2020/2021


New Members

A warm welcome to the newest addition to our EO family.

Anthony Lam of Punchy Digital Media and Laiken Kerr Clarke of Medisound are also Accelerator graduates who are now EO Members.
Members in the News


Make sure that you are part of EO Melbourne's online community:
  • NEW - PLEASE FOLLOW our LinkedIn page and add it as an experience in your LinkedIn profile.
  • Be part of our WhatsApp group and participate in our conversations.
  • Join our Facebook group for more announcements and updates.


EO APAC Big Day In

Please note that EO APAC is postponing the Big Day In event. The team has not received enough content yet and not from every chapter. However, this does not mean we won't have it as this is only a postponement. Better things are still to come so watch this space for some updates.


16 September 2020 - The EOS Workshop


19 June 2020 - End-of-Year Gala (recording and photos)
15 July 2020 - Jeffrey Cole: The Coronavirus Disruption Project webinar (recording). EO Melbourne's Strategic Alliance Partner Evans & Partners has teamed up with us for this webinar.


22 September 2020 - Emotional Fitness in Business and in Life
Fridays - EO Melbourne Golf Club - For updates and inquiries, please get in touch with Bernie at or join the club's Facebook group.


  • To get a summary of links to past webinars, announcements and information pertaining to the current situation, we have put up on our EO Melbourne site the Navigating Now and Preparing Post Crisis page (Access Password: EOMelbourne) for easy referencing.
  • The Sustaining APAC 2020 homepage is the repository for APAC members on COVID-19 communications, connection to experts, and links to support groups on multiple platforms.
  • You can also check the latest news in the region with the Sustaining APAC newsletter, which you can access through this link.


Know more about EO Melbourne's current partners and Strategic Alliance Partners benefits through this link.


Join the upcoming EOS event on 16 September 2020, Wednesday. At this event, Martin Quinn will give everyone a further overview of the EOS Model and Tools and answer any questions that EO members may have.

EOS Implementers Martin Quinn and Jeni Clift are looking forward to discussing EOS face-to-face with EO Members as soon as they can. You can contact them on the following details:

If you don’t already have a copy of the book Traction by Gino Wickman, the founder of EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System), you may also get in touch with Martin or Jeni to avail your copy.


Refresh the way you work through CreativeCubes.Co, which converts buildings into collaborative communities with culture, workspaces & services that provide a platform for all people to build their business. They provide private offices, coworking, meeting rooms, event spaces, and studios for businesses and individuals in need of them. Explore their various offerings at

As the official EO Melbourne Club House, EO Melbourne members can enjoy the perks of the partnership with CreativeCubes.Co, which are detailed at CreativeCubes.Co hopes to support all EO Melbourne members in a meaningful way.


Jim Collins: Good to Great Live Virtual Event
22 July 2020, 11:00 AM-1:30 PM AEST

We are blown away by the overwhelming response from EO Melbourne members expressing their interest to take part in this event. We have allotted 75 spots for our chapter, and we look forward to having everyone who signed up to this virtual learning session.

Fireside Chat with Ernest Cu
23 July 2020, 5:00-6:30 PM AEST

While FY19/20 comes to an end, EO APAC continues to provide 'once-in-a-lifetime' learning experience to their members in the FY20/21. The Influential CEO Series will be launched in July 2020. Join us at the fireside chat with Ernest L. Cu, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Globe Telecom, the leading telecommunications company in the Philippines, and listen to his 5 lessons learned that have made him from challenger to leader.

Only Members, SLPs and Accelerators from APAC can attend. Zoom link will be sent to registrants a day before the meeting. Register through this page.


Read through how the EO Melbourne 2019/20 Board and Chapter dealt through the pandemic through this article Leadership in Crisis, an interview with Past President Kym Huynh.

Check out the various ways of streamlining your business and keeping things lean and simple.

Do you have an article related to entrepreneurship or a story idea that you want to contribute to our blog? Or do you want to share an experience that can benefit your fellow EO members? Email for your contribution.

Check past newsletter issues and President updates through this link.

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