Dear EO Melbourne,
EO is here for you. As we approach renewals, if a Member wants to stay in EO, EO will find a way to make that happen by combining 3 support packages: (1) Global; (2) Local; and (3) Scholarship Fund (to provide renewal relief for those severely impacted by COVID-19).
On Friday, 8 May, we will announce the Local Support Package and information on how to access the Scholarship Fund if your business has been impacted.
As a Board, we have unanimously adopted the idea that "No Member Will Be Left Behind", and I am both honoured and proud to see our Board adopt and run with this idea.
Global’s support package for Members can be surmised as follows:
- Financial Support: All Members to receive a USD $600 credit applied to renewal fees
- Delaying Renewal Payment(s): Members won't need to pay renewal fees until 30 September
- Payment Flexibility: Pay in full or divide into 2 payments
- Extraordinary Financial Hardship: Members who have been severely impacted can request for additional help by contacting EO directly
- Waiver of Re-Qualification/Re-Certification Requirements: No re-qualification requirements for FY 2020/2021 and 2021/2022
- No Re-Join Fee for 5-Years: Members can leave and re-join within 5 years without re-join fees. (6 months minimum period away.)
- Free Training, Free Strategic Summits for Chapter Board Members and Moderator Training Program for Forum Moderators
- Accelerator Support Package, USD $400 credit applied to renewal fees. Payment instalment options. Scholarship for Members severely impacted. Waiver of re-qualification for FY 2021/2022. There is no re-join fee if rejoining prior to July
It has been inspiring to see Members band together and support one another over the last 90 days. From the special Forum One2One pairings that make sure we stay connected to the Board-to-Member phone calls that are in progress, from the use of our Resident Psychologist that is completely confidential and supported and funded by our Chapter to our Members sharing their knowledge and stories on our weekly webinar series, sometimes all it takes is a phone call to check in on one another.
As we sign off for April, I wish to acknowledge and give thanks to (in order of appearance) fellow Members who appeared as guests on our weekly webinar series to support and uplift others: David Kelly, Ken Matthews, Jeni Clift, Rob Rankin, Ryan Magdiarz, Jason Bertalli, James Murray, Arosh Fernando, William Du, Aaron Smith, Gary Tramer, Rory Boyle.
It would also be remiss of me to not express my gratitude and appreciation for our Past President Carlo Santoro who has religiously appeared beside me every week to support, host and moderate our Members-only weekly webinars.
Finally, as always, I invite you to join me in reflecting on how we can make this year "Our Best Year Yet!" With the recent crisis, the lens at which I look at this statement has changed, and as I close off this month’s update, I consider that it is during times of crisis that great leaders emerge. Within our Chapter, I have seen great leadership on every level.
We are all in this together and we will get through this together.
With warmth, gratitude and hope,
Kym Huynh
President 2019/2020 (The April President's Update is also posted on this page.)
EO Melbourne Navigating Now and Preparing Post Crisis page
To get a summary of links to announcements and information pertaining to the current situation, we have put up on our EO Melbourne site the Navigating Now and Preparing Post Crisis page (Access Password: EOMelbourne) for easy referencing.
EO Melbourne weekly webinar series
The EO Melbourne Board has devised a strategy to help Members navigate the current crisis and prepare for what is ahead through a 12-week series of online learning events. The "Navigating Now and Preparing Post Crisis" weekly webinar series covers member-to-member sharings and expert topics held virtually via Zoom.
Invitation to register for each session is sent every week via email. These invitations and links to the recordings are also posted on the chapter's WhatsApp and Facebook groups so you won't miss them. Please note the schedule of the succeeding webinars.
Below are recordings of past webinars:
Webinar #6 was aired live from Studio 45. Shown here are moderators Kym Huynh and Carlo Santoro with Arosh Fernando (left photo) while Aaron Smith and William Du were streamed live (right photo) from their respective locations. Photo credit: Shevan J Photography
We recently launched our Resident Psychologist, Katerina Papamarkou, MAPS, whom Members can call and talk to any time to help them manage the impact of the current crisis and make sure that they are in the right frame of mind to make good decisions. This is a resource that is provided and completely funded by our Chapter exclusively for our Members.
EO Melbourne Members can reach out to Katerina Papamarkou, MAPS, CEO of Ariston Consulting Solutions at phone no. 0438 117 137 or at email katerina@ariston.net.au. You can view her services at https://ariston.net.au/about/.
Every Friday at 5:00 PM, let's catch up online with other EO Melbourne Members over a few drinks where we can exchange stories and laughter with one another through our Zoom Happy Hour.
This is a
purely social event hosted by our Learning Chair, Nick Clift. We will be running this virtual social event for the next 4 weeks, so stay tuned for more updates.
For this Friday's session, 1 May 2020, see you at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/97395335269.
In the midst of this crisis, remember that the EO Melbourne Chapter is here for you, and one of the greatest parts of EO is the relationships we build with fellow members. Our "Forum One2One" is an opportunity for you to talk with a fellow entrepreneur who may understand your present predicament.
We have sent emails to Members regarding round #2 of our Forum One2One with details of your new partners. If you have any questions or need help in making it happen, please contact our Integration Chair, Benjamin Trinh at ben@lifeready.com.au or our Chapter Manager, Kirsten
Yokoyama at administrator@eomelbourne.org.
APAC Virtual Learning Resources
The Sustaining APAC 2020 homepage is the repository for APAC members on COVID-19 communications, connection to experts, and links to support groups on multiple platforms -https://samepage.io/public#!/kl8aBAUn9ALdSvFAHeK8hTVr7E3Q.
The page includes:
- information on COVID-19
- inspirational corner
- articles, videos and recorded webinars
- area/country-specific resources
- resources for EO leaders
- resources for APAC families
- opportunities and industry-based resources
Situational Mentorship: Now Live
EO Mentorship has launched "Situational Mentorship" to support all members, GSEA competitors and EO Accelerator participants. Situational mentoring is a short-term connection between two parties and it focuses on a high-impact challenge or opportunity.
After you apply to be a mentor or mentee, you will be paired based on your needs and invited to a launch training to kick off your pairing! Apply here to be a mentor or mentee. Learn more or ask questions by emailing mentor@eonetwork.org.
EO is bringing Service Excellence to the EO APAC region, by way of the Concierge Services, in the person of Marjorie Agnis. Marj is excited to continue to expand customer service into the EO APAC region by providing tailored solutions with the goal of highlighting overall member value.
She can assist you with Member Engagement, Member Enquiries, Data Management and ad hoc concerns. You may reach Marj through WhatsApp/Mobile at +63 927 647 31 09 or via Skype magnis@eonetwork.org or email concierge@eonetwork.org.
The EO APAC Member Services Center (MSC) Office is available at these times - 8:00 AM-5:00 PM SGT or 10:00 AM-7:00 PM AEST - and follows Philippine holidays.
New Advanced Forum Next Level Workshop 15 May 2020
EO Sydney is running a virtual Forum Next Level 2020 on 15 May 2020. If you missed out on attending our live one in February and or if you like to improve your virtual forum experience join trainer Jody Dharmawan for this interactive, educational workshop.
You will experience a real virtual forum after learning new tools & concepts with members outside your normal forum. You will also learn some tips and tricks for running a successful virtual forum retreat. Open to all members to attend. To view full details and to register, please visit this site.
EO Brisbane Virtual Pub Quiz 1 May 2020
Kiki & Pascal’s Comedy Pub Quiz is the answer to all of your questions, but don’t expect us to tell you the answers. It's an hour-packed, chaotic hilarity in the form of trivia. Real questions, fun interactive answers, plus the chance to win fabulous prizes, delivered straight to your door.
And because we know EOer's love some competition, teams will be:
Forum / Accountability Group vs Forum / Accountability Group and
Chapter vs Chapter
There will be prizes for:
- Smartest entrepreneur
- Biggest smart-ass!
- Best dressed
- Smartest Forum / Accountability Group
- Smartest Chapter
Happening on 1 May, Friday at 6:00 PM-7:30 PM AEST, don't miss this fun online event and register now!
Melbourne food businesses Half Acre restaurant and food&desure catering have put up FOOD4GOOD, an online market selling ready-to-eat meals and other
kitchen and home essentials.
The coronavirus crisis has had a devastating impact on Australian charities, many of which are indispensable for people who have been struggling long before the crisis.
FOOD4GOOD will match 5% of proceeds from orders to food rescue charity OzHarvest, Melbourne Indigenous Transition School, St Kilda crisis Salvation Army and Safe Steps: Domestic Family Violence Response Centre.
Know more about FOOD4GOOD at https://www.food4good.com.au/.
EOS Workshop Wednesday, 27 May 2020 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
EOS is thrilled to finally share the Entrepreneurial Operating System with the EO Melbourne members! The EOS Workshop will be done through a webinar, which you can access at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-k__gVqlRCahEqzBBpIc3w. EOS will be hosting the session at the studio of EO Sydney member Libbie Ray, AV 24/7.
Keep an eye on your inbox for more information about this workshop.
Current Strategic Alliance Partners
Know more about EO Melbourne's current partners and Strategic Alliance Partners benefits through this link.
Do you have an article related to entrepreneurship or a story idea that you want to contribute to our blog? Email communications@eomelbourne.org for your contribution.
Check past newsletter issues and President updates through this link.