One of our most popular events, the AGM, is fast approaching. Locked and loaded for the 11th of November at one of our favourite venues, the Prince in St Kilda, it’s the perfect start to get back into
the swing of face-to-face events again.
In addition to catching up with some familiar faces and making new connections, our guest, world-class speaker, Craig Harper, will deliver inspirational guidance to help us take our lives from mediocre to extraordinary at the AGM.
Block out Friday, the 17th of December now and join us at the Carousel for a chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company. We’ve got a few big surprises planned, and I am sure everyone will be blown away with the line-up of quality entertainment.
As the saying goes, there’s no rest for the wicked, and we’re also busy planning our EO Chapter retreat, scheduled for Friday, 25th through to Sunday, 27th of February.
The Chapter retreat committee is very close to finalising the agenda. As you would expect, we have a once-in-a-lifetime experience planned that is guaranteed to be unforgettable. If I can give you some valuable advice, you won’t want to miss this one!
Our Chapter is committed to inclusion across all our operations. As the situation evolves, we are aligning our COVID-safe policies and practices in line with Victorian Government public health advice. As a community organisation that is centred around gathering at public venues, we are guided by public health orders and the individual venue requirements. If you have any queries in this regard, please reach out to our Chapter staff for further guidance.
This month, your Board Members will be busier than ever as they develop the Chapter’s three-year strategic plan. Look out for updates as we start to create the focus for the next three years.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
It's the time of the year once again where we gather our members for our Annual General Meeting (AGM), which means it’s time to play your role in the election of our 2022/2023 Chapter President and Board. We need your active participation in shaping the immediate future of our Chapter through our AGM. Please download and read the Notice of Annual General Meeting for the board resolutions.
Please note: In case you are unable to attend the AGM, download theproxy form (the last page of the Notice of AGM) and submit it to Kirsten Yokoyama, EO Melbourne Chapter Manager at at least 24 hours before the meeting.
We will also be honouring the recipients of the Forum Awards, President Award and Danny Guest Award for Bravery in Business during the AGM. Following the AGM is a talk by Craig Harper on "From Mediocre to Amazing -- creating our best life".
Mentorship Wrap-up and Info Night
As our current Mentorship Program comes to a close, we will gather all mentors and mentees who are taking part in this 12-month program since October 2020 to a wrap-up and information night event on Tuesday, 30 November 2021,
6:00 PM-8:00 PM AEDT at Half Acre to thank them for their participation in this initiative. We also extend this invitation to upcoming mentors, mentees and applicants as we launch our Mentorship Program that will begin in March 2022.
Mentor Steve Wood and mentee Edric Taing share with us their insights, experiences and learnings throughout their journey in the EO Mentorship Program of the Melbourne chapter. Watch this video on what they have to say about their thoughts on their mentorship journey. Also, read the mentorship story of Greg Tucker and Gary Lorden through this article.
Forum Update
We are pleased to announce the current status of the EO Melbourne Forum Cup 2021/22 Leaderboard. This is a chapter-based competition for Forums, which aims to promote best practices and activities that result in higher and deeper engagement between forum members and, therefore, stronger long-lasting forums.
Check out this video of Forum Chair Damian Blumenkranc as he talks about the Forum Cup.
New Accelerators Let us give a warm welcome to our new Accelerators:
EO APAC Executive
Program-Bond University - The first-ever University-based EO Executive Education Program to be held in the Asia-Pacific region is now open for applications! It will be an immersive 5-day on-campus program that will run from 6-10 February 2022, combining mindset and skillset with a practical action plan to implement in your life and business. Places for the inaugural Class of 2021 are strictly limited to 30 persons only. Apply now at
EO@INSEAD - It kicks off 2-4 March 2022 with an in-person component taking place at the INSEAD France Campus. Following the three-day intensive, participants will work virtually for the interim months before coming together again at the INSEAD Singapore Campus from 12-14 October 2022. This programme is limited to only 47 EO members! Registration opens on 7 September 2021. For more details, visit
EO Ignite 2021-The EO Ignite conference committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the EO Ignite to 2022 due to the
challenges of the current and often-changing situation with COVID. EO Ignite will remain on Hamilton Island and will be held on 28–30 March 2022. If you have questions, please contact the appointed conference organisers, Iceberg Events at 07 3876 4988 or email Check out every now and then for updates on the event.
Our EO Partnerships are now on the Hub! You are now able to navigate the regional and global partnerships right on the Hub. There are also links to the chapter pages in the same place and members can navigate to our chapter partnerships from there as well!
To check the list, go to (you need to login) or you can navigate there by logging onto going to the top navigation ‘Connect’ -> ‘Partners’. Explore the different benefits you can enjoy as an EO member.