EO Melbourne President Socrates Capouleas highlights the plans for the chapter in the coming months through this video update.
Call for Board Nominations
EO Melbourne is seeking interest in all Leadership Positions for the Membership Term 2022-2023. If you believe that you have what it takes to be part of the EO Melbourne Board, we encourage you to nominate yourself by filling out this Nomination Form.
PLEASE NOTE corrections on the venue details of the AGM: The Prince, 2 Acland Street, St Kilda 3182. The AGM will be held on Thursday, 11 November 2021, from 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm AEDT. (The AGM will precede the event with Sam Gash)
To learn more about the board positions and commitment please reach out to either Joe Woodham, Incoming President, through email joe@toriiconsulting.com.au or Kirsten Yokoyama, Chapter Manager, email administrator@eomelbourne.org.
Finance Update
EO Melbourne Finance Chair James Murray gives an update on the financial status as well as upcoming plans for the chapter. Watch the video here.
If you have questions or concerns with regards to the update, please do not hesitate to reach out to James at james.murray@workhealthyaus.com.au or 0400 123 456.
Forum Update
We are pleased to announce the launch of the EO Melbourne Forum Cup 2021/22. This is a chapter-based competition for Forums, which aims to promote best practices and activities that result in higher and deeper engagement between forum members and, therefore, stronger long-lasting forums. Our Forum Chair, Damian Blumenkranc, shares with us this amazing news through this video.
Learning Update
In this video, Learning Chair Jeni Clift shares several virtual learning events lined up for the chapter, such as the LinkedIn Workshop Series and Masterclass Panel Series. Check out the Upcoming Events section below for links to the event and registration details.
Membership Engagement Update
Take a look at the video update from EO Melbourne Member Engagement Chair Costa Vasili on the chapter's plans based on the GOAT Survey. Rest assured that the board has taken into consideration your feedback and made plans that will deliver more value to you over the coming year.
Thank you to everyone who participated and completed the survey.
Mentorship Update
Mentor Greg Tucker and mentee Gary Lorden share with us their insights, experiences and learnings throughout their journey in the EO Mentorship Program of the Melbourne chapter. Watch this video on what they have to say about their thoughts on their mentorship journey. Also, read the mentorship story of Bruce McFarlane and Cameron Bell through this article.
We also sent out the Mentorship Program Feedback form to those who are part of the October 2020 intake (End-of-Year survey) and the April 2021 intake (Half-year survey). You can complete the feedback form through this link.
Here's a video of Mentorship Chair James Murray inviting EO Melbourne members to take part in the upcoming Mentorship Program that we will launch later this year. To know more about the details of the program and to apply, please visit our Mentorship page. You can also reach out to our Mentorship Chair, James Murray, at james.murray@workhealthyaus.com.au.
MyEO Update
Are you an EO member who is looking for fellow EO members around the globe that share your hobbies and interests? Do you want to participate in a group within EO that is aligned with your industry?
Check out this video from MyEO Chair Jeni Clift on how to update your MyEO Matrix. Visit the MyEO page for more details on the program.
EO APAC Executive Program-Bond University - The first-ever University-based EO Executive Education Program to be held in the Asia-Pacific region is now open for applications! It will be an immersive 5-day on-campus program that will run from 6-10 February
2022, combining mindset and skillset with a practical action plan to implement in your life and business. Places for the inaugural Class of 2021 are strictly limited to 30 persons only. Apply now at https://events.eonetwork.org/bond-university/.
EO@INSEAD - It kicks off 2-4 March 2022 with an in-person component taking place at the INSEAD Singapore Campus. Following
the three-day intensive, participants will work virtually for the interim months before coming together again at the INSEAD Fontainebleau Campus from 12-14 October 2022. This programme is limited to only 47 EO members! Registration opens on 7 September 2021. For more details, visit https://events.eonetwork.org/insead/.
EO Ignite 2021-The EO Ignite conference committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the EO Ignite to 2022 due to the challenges of the current and often-changing situation with COVID. EO Ignite will remain on Hamilton Island and will be held on 28–30 March 2022. If you have questions, please contact the appointed conference organisers, Iceberg Events at 07 3876 4988 or email chloe@icebergevents.com.au. Check out https://www.eosp.com.au/ every now and then for updates on the event.
EO with Harvard Business School -
Your business needs innovative strategies to thrive with fierce competition in the market. Learn the tools needed straight from the Harvard Business School faculty when you join EO with Harvard Business School: Inspiring Entrepreneurial Strategy. This programme is offered both in-person at Harvard Business School and virtually from wherever you can tune in! If you joined EO on or after 24 October 2019, you are eligible to use your Global Event Voucher. Register today! https://events.eonetwork.org/harvard/
SAVE THE DATE: 17 December 2021 (Venue: Carousel)
- EO Melbourne Christmas Lunch
Our EO Partnerships are now on the Hub! You are now able to navigate the regional and global partnerships right on the Hub. There are also links to the chapter pages in the same place and members can navigate to our chapter partnerships from there as well!
To check the list, go to https://hub.eonetwork.org/partners (you need to login) or you can navigate there by logging onto https://hub.eonetwork.org/ going to the top navigation ‘Connect’ -> ‘Partners’. Explore the different benefits you can enjoy as an EO member.